Thursday, February 26, 2009

Yummy lettuce wrap fillings

In the raw food cookbooks there are a lot of recipes for pate's. I've tried a few of them and have realized I can easily make up my own combos. It's so easy. I make enough to serve 4 and then eat it for lunch the first day, and it store it in the fridge for the next 3. Then it's so easy to have lunch ready to go. I've been doing the same with the smoothies, so now I can make things up one day and be ready for breakfast and lunch, the next 3. I love it! It makes my life so much easier and I feel better when I eat more fresh! So here's one I tried the other day.

1 c. wanuts
1/4 c. flax seed meal
4 carrots, shredded
1/2 red onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic
1/2 lime, juiced
2 t. onion powder
1 t. paprika
1/2 t. dill
1/2 t. sea salt

Additional ingredients:
Romaine lettuce leaves
chopped tomatoes
green onion, chopped

1. Place all above ingredients, walnuts through sea salt, in a food processor and blend until smooth.
2. Spoon some into a Romaine lettuce leaf and top with optional extra ingredients.

I thought this would be weird at first, but I really enjoy them! Soooooo easy! Serve with a side of fresh fruit! Enjoy! Serves 4.

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