Monday, April 20, 2009


I tried sprouting this last week for the first time. Sprouts are so easy to grow and packed full of nutrients. They're also really cheap to do. I sprouted green lentils and alfalfa seeds. I read this great book, "The Sprouting Book" by Ann Wigmore. It gave really simple instructions on how to sprout. I purchased the seeds and lentils at Whole Foods. I put them on my sandwiches and salads. They will keep for up to 2 weeks in the fridge, after sprouting.
Alfalfa Seeds
1 T. alfalfa seeds
1 quart size ball jar
screen or clean pantyhose

1. Put the seeds in the jar and cover with filtered water. Soak for 4-6 hours. Cover with a screen or pantyhose and a tightly fitted rubberband.
2. Drain the water and run water over the seeds through the screen. Drain and set upside down at a 45 degree angle on a drying rack.
3. Let drain and put in a dark cupboard.
4. Rinse once in the morning and once in the evening.
5. Seeds will be at desired length of 1"-1 1/2" in 3-5 days.
6. The last day, put in indirect sun.

1/3 c. lentils
1 quart size jar
screen or clean pantyhose

1. Pick through the lentils for any broken or split ones and discard them.
2. Put them in a jar and fill with filtered water. Soak for 10-12 hours.
3. Drain and follow the same rinsing directions for alfalfa seeds. But do not put in the sun on the last day.
4. Will sprout to 1/4"-3/4" in 3-5 days.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mari! I added you to my bloglines so I keep tabs on you. Hope you don't mind! And, I saw that you did this blog. I'm so impressed with your healthy lifestyle and I try to sneak some ideas with you. My mother-in-law just told me she has an old juicer in her storage--I'd love to try some of your ideas!
